Friday, January 7, 2011

The Beginning

Well, it's 2011 and after one year of marriage I have already gained 15lbs. I'd heard the horror stories of weight gain during marriage and thought "not to me!" but alas, I've not escaped and this blog that you are now reading is how I am dealing with it.

I'm am going to be a Health Coach! I have joined with Lana Batishev and her team of health coaches in the quest to make America healthy, starting with MYSELF.

The idea is to record my progress and share with you my success (and struggles) and hopefully inspire you to go after your own health goals and dreams. I will make this a place where we can share ideas and create a support network.

I've done the Take Shape for Life program before and absolutely loved it. I lost 12lbs in three weeks. The best part, by far, is getting a health coach. I've never been known for my will power (because I really don't have a lot!) and having someone to hold me accountable worked wonders for keeping me dedicated and focused. Someone to cheer me on and make me feel like I was making progress. Now I will be that someone for others. I can't wait!!


  1. Totally unrelated to weight, but may I say that picture of you is ridiculously gorgeous. That color breathtaking on you.

  2. Hayley, congratulations on getting healthy! Well, whatever that means...I, myself, have made a big change in my health. Joe and I eat a mostly plant based nutrient-rich diet, and I feel so good. It has been a major change in lifestyle for me. I'm also blogging at

    Hello to D, is he doing this with you? :)

  3. Emily! I want to hang out with you and Joe like the wolf. I haven't started doing Hayley's program yet, but she assures me I'll be roped in. Hooray for health!

  4. RyRy: thanks!!

    Emily: beautiful blog!! sounds like an excellent change in lifestyle. that is what i am all about. making healthy habits for life. it's so important. otherwise, you just end up yoyo-ing and struggling for the rest of your life. sometimes we just need a kickstart...and that's what the 5&1 is great for ;)

    D: you start next week.

    Jenna: um, for real? do it! call me. i'll set you up.

  5. Hayley,This is great, I'll look forward to reading your blog! :) Derrald, you need to call Joe. He is in such good health right now--and looking sooooooooo good. Not that he hasn't always been handsome. :) We want to hang out with you both too, like the wolf? Really? Wow. There's a chance Ryan S. might come out this don't live too far for a road trip north to Athens!
