Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Failure. Possibly not the most uplifting title for a blog post intended to be inspiring, however, it's something we all must deal with at different times in our lives and something I'd like to address as we clear the temptations of chocolate covered, heart-shaped February and head straight into April Easter(egg) madness.

I've been doing really well on the program so far but my journey, the road to health is definitely a journey, has not been without bumps in the road. Bumps, thankfully, not mountains. It's easy to think "But I'm the health coach! I need to be perfect! I'm setting the example!" However, this isn't necessarily the right approach. After all, I am only human. (even if my husband would try and convince you I was half dragon...) 

I'm the same as you. I have the same temptations and I will, on occasion, make choices that I know aren't in my best health interest. The key is knowing what to do when those choices have already been made. 


Acknowledge your mistake, your moment of weakness, your indulgence but don't beat yourself up about it. Use this time as an opportunity to check back in with yourself. Remind yourself why it is important for you to eat healthy or stick to your eating plan. Something I recommend to all my clients right at the beginning of their weight loss journey is to write out a list of goals and, perhaps even more importantly, the reasons WHY you want to reach these goals. What positive changes will you be making in your life? How will these inspire you when the going gets tough?

Refocusing on these things will put you back on track when you temporarily derail. The real failure would be if you gave up completely. So, have faith in yourself and remember that you're only human (unless you're half dragon), and if I can do it, so can you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

American Waistlines

"The U.S has a weight problem" - a quote from an interesting article I read on the other day. 

I highly recommend you check out the link here: "American Waistlines Expand at Fastest Pace Among Rich Nations, Study Finds"

Turns out, Americans have the highest BMI average among rich nations in 2008. Followed by, wait for it, New Zealand! I love it when both my countries are represented... I just wish it wasn't for these particular statistics!!

Don't let yourself become just another sad weight statistic. Get yourself a health coach, adopt the habits of health and then start being part of the solution. We can change these numbers by changing our lives and educating others.

Happy Monday.