Thursday, January 12, 2012

Healthy Kickstarters

Happy New Year!

Whenever we begin a New Year I, like most people, enjoy getting into the spirit of having a fresh start, refocusing, re-energising, re-committing to my health goals, work goals, life goals. I love this time of year.

This year has already been very busy in my household so what I really want is something quick and easy to boost my health and get me in a good place to approach the year.

I found this post on one of my friend's blogs. She's a super healthy gal and always has lots of interesting thoughts to share. This post just hit the spot for me and I thought I'd share it with you to see if it does the same, or perhaps it will inspire you to find your 3 quick fixes for the new year. If you have some fun suggestions I would love to hear them!

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